WooHoo .. So... guess who is super excited?! Me, me, me, me (please hold on while I compose myself). Seriously I can not believe I am excited over wallpaper, alas it is true. Yes me, the same person who several years ago was shaking my fist in disdain at the prior homeowner who had the audacity to wallpaper the dining room at house #2 (My family and I currently reside in house #3). "How could they?!?!" I had wailed while trying to remove the atrocity that
is was wallpaper from the walls. Some members of my family find me to be dramatic, I prefer to think of it as passionate. So after years of being anti-wallpaper I am slowly beginning to embrace it. I am all about baby steps so I broke down and ordered enough for an accent wall from my local Sherwin Williams. That was this past Wednesday and the very helpful saleperson told me it would take at least a week to arrive, so imagine my surprise when I get a phone call letting me know my wallpaper is ready to be picked up. Cue the happy dance. I will now leave you with some ideas for wallpaper that I mulled over...
Love the design |
I love me some big neutral florals
LOVE it!! |
Project Update:
- The stairway has now been painted Rhino, and I think it is SO much better. It is much lighter and just looks fab-u-lous!
- The railing and banisters are now covered in an ebony stain and look gorg. It really amazes me how these "little" projects have so much impact on a room.
- The dining room chandelier is now matte black and just waiting to be hung. Buh bye brass. The best part of that transformation? While shopping on-line at Pottery Barn on Saturday I came across the light that I purchased for $20 at a local thrift shore retailing for ... $399. So pat myself on the back... I used extra paint that I had leftover from a different project and managed to save $379. Now can we cue the happy dance?
xo - Shana
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